Well it has been a while since I last put fingers to keyboard, mainly because I haven't painted much and my interest has been swayed by a return to the Karate Dojo, leaving little time for wargames. However, I now have a goal; I need a 24pt retinue for later in the year when we shall be having a day of LR games with the estimable gentlemen of the Loose Association of Wargamers. With one eye on Dragon Rampant being published I decided to go for a pseudo-medieval feel, not fantasy enough to be out of place in Lion Rampant games and not rigidly historical either, allowing me to throw together any nice miniatures from the twelfth or thirteenth centuries. I didn't want to have to research lots of heraldry or paint intricate designs on shields either so I will be going for a very simple blue & white theme overall with a few different designs for the knights.
The retinue of Robert de Brennan |
So far I have a few Foundry Baron's War miniatures, one packet of archers and one of spearmen in gambeson. These were originally Games Workshop releases intended for Warhammer armies, something that became the more fantastic Brettonians in later editions. They are beautiful, characterful sculpts by the Perry brothers and they are a nice old school size standing about 27mm from sole of foot to top of head. This makes them a good mix for Essex Miniatures, allowing me to field my armoured Bishop once again. I will paint up a few Essex archers and spearmen for comparison in the next few days.
Until next time...